1.I need a cask of wine and some apples.
2.The cask savours of the first fill.
3.Maturate partly in French oak barrique and partly in Slovenian oak casks for about 12-15 months.
4.This triple-distilled Bushmill's Irish whiskey is a blend of malted barleys aged up to nine years in Oloroso sherry oak casks.
1.They're carrying 100 casks of imported wine and don't want to pay duty.
他们偷运了100桶进口酒 不想交税。
2.Throughout the marriage feast Thor raises some eyebrows, devouring animals whole and guzzling three casks of mead.
3.You have bourbon finished in Napa Valley wine casks.
4.These casks require security and they require maintenance.
5.Fully contained in concrete casks that are so good at blocking radiation I might do a photo shoot there.
核被完全包裹 混凝土制成的桶中,反对核能的一个 新潮的理由是。
6.Females are larger than males and has a more impressive cask on their heads.
7.Once nuclear waste has cooled down in storage pools for ten to twenty years, it typically is encased in casks.
一旦核储存池中冷却了十到二十年, 它就会被封装桶中。
8.So he had one blanket-to dress him in the daytime and cover him at night-and he slept in a cask.
9.Casks spend years in the warehouse maturing into a single malt.
10.Glenmckenna, aged 30 years in oak casks.
格兰麦肯纳 封存橡木桶里30年。
11.Aged 30 years in oak casks. Amazing.
橡木桶中陈酿30年, 令惊叹。机翻
12.But, like casks of wine, no two potfuls are exactly alike to every palate.
但是,就像一桶酒一样, 没有两壶对每个的口味都是完全一样的。机翻
13.Workmen use steam and bands of iron to bend oak staves into a wine-tight cask.
14.He knows to a plank how many casks are needed if the vintage is good.
15.As soon as the girl was assured of this, she came from behind the cask.
女孩一确信这一点, 就从木桶后面走了出来。机翻
16.On the topmost branches the fertile cones are set firmly on end like small casks.
最顶端的树枝上, 肥沃的球果像小木桶一样牢固地竖立着。机翻
17.Yandry thumped the wine cask down onto the desk. " Where's Griff" ? he demanded of Haldon.
耶达里把葡萄酒桶沉沉地放到甲板上。" 格里芬呢?" 他问哈尔顿。
18.Toward night we went to the cask, and drank what remained there.
到了晚上,我们去了木桶, 喝掉了剩下的东西。机翻
19." Mamma, how many louis are there in a cask of wine" ?
20.Thereupon the old woman led her behind a large cask, which quite hid her from view.
于是老太婆把她领到一个木桶后面, 木桶完全遮住了她。机翻