7.New research is providing a deeper understanding of Whatcheeria, which lived around 330 million years ago during a time known as the Carboniferous period.
9.Oxygen levels in the Devonian and Carboniferous periods, when terrestrial life first bloomed, were as high as 35 percent (as opposed to nearer 20 percent now).
10.The whole history of the carboniferous period was written upon these gloomy walls, and a geologist might with ease trace all its diverse phases.
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11.And eventually, some hairless ape dug it up and burned it, releasing the energy that the scale trees absorbed from the Carboniferous sun over 300 million years ago.
12.To interpret rocks, there needs to be some means of correlation, a basis on which you can tell that those carboniferous rocks from Devon are younger than these Cambrian rocks from Wales.