1.Her hands were large and smooth, and quick in all their movements; and she smelt of musk and carbolic acid.
她的手又大又光滑, 动作敏捷。她闻起来有麝香和石炭的味道。机翻
2.It will be a luxury to have a bath in a tub that doesn't make you feel as though you wanted to scrub it out with lye and carbolic.
在个澡是一种奢侈, 它不会你觉得你想用碱液和石炭它。机翻
3." I will get soft soap, and monkey soap, and all sorts of soap; and soda and scrubbing brushes; and persian powder; and carbolic to remove the smell. I must have a disinfecting. Perhaps I may have to burn sulphur" .
“我会买软皂、猴皂和各种肥皂; 苏打水和刷子; 波斯粉; 石碳来去除气味。我必须进行消毒。也许我可能需要燃烧硫磺” 。机翻