1.The eruptions were associated with the development of a number of giant craters (calderas).
1.We've made it to Deception Island which is the Caldera of the volcano.
2.It was when satellite imagery started to become available that we saw Yellowstone as this huge, huge volcanic caldera.
3.And massive caldera at some of it could easily swallow greater London, Paris and New York.
4.About 1,600 years before Christ, it blew its top, leaving just its dramatic caldera or flooded volcano crater.
约在公元前 1600 年,它炸毁了它的顶部,只留下了引人注目的或被淹没的。机翻
5.The caldera is 48 by 72 kilometers.
长 48 x 72 公里。机翻
6.Have you read anything about rhyolite caldera complexes?
7.They sit in one giant caldera of a super volcano.
他们坐在 一座超级的一个巨破中。
8.It left behind a caldera spanning 20km and it caused the entire Southern Hemisphere to undergo a period of abrupt cooling.
9." These very large calderas have very large impacts globally, " says Power.
“这些非常的在全球范围内具有非常的影响, ” 鲍尔说。机翻
10.Then the truck came back up the caldera with the lights off.
然后卡车回到, 灯也关了。机翻
11.Caldera, which is Spanish for cauldron, is a large crater left by the collapse of a volcano.
Caldera 在西班牙语中是锅的意思,是倒塌后留下的一个。机翻
12.But taken together, the data point convincingly to the existence of a caldera about 20 kilometers across.
但综合起来, 这些数据令人信服地表明存在一个直径约 20 公里的。机翻
13.He was half way back up the caldera to his truck when something made him stop.
当他沿着回到卡车的途中, 有什么东西让他停了下来。机翻
14.But that's exactly what the team hopes to do to confirm the caldera's existence.
但这正是团队希望做的事情, 以确认的存在。机翻
15.He looked across the caldera toward the low range of rock on the eastern perimeter.
他越过, 望向东边低矮的岩石群。机翻
16.The spotlight came on again at the head of the caldera and moved across the ridge.
聚光灯在的顶端再次亮起, 并穿过脊。机翻
17.In addition, separate studies provided different lines of evidence for a supervolcano caldera, but none connected the dots.
18.Santorini is of course famous for its breathtaking crescent-shaped caldera, half of which is submerged – making it the only sunken caldera in the world.
19.These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack, leaving behind a vast hole, the caldera.
这些的爆发力如此之强, 以至于它们在一个裂缝中爆裂, 留下一个巨的洞, 即。机翻
20.So, just imagine the Luzon island and there's a big caldera and the middle of it is the Taal Volcano island.
所以,想象一下吕宋岛, 那里有一个, 中间是塔尔岛。机翻