Methods Urinary calculus were removed by ureteric lithotripsy with ureteroscope or mini-invasive percutaneous neral fistulation lithotripsy removed the urolithus.
Objective To explore the feasibility and safety for right hepatolobectomy accordinging to the unique clinicopathologic characteristic in right calculus of intrahepatic duct.
This paper presents a stochastic calculus approach to this problem, deduces formulae to calculate the preestimate time, gives some thoughts of concrete realization.
Ureterolithotomy or ureterocystoscope with holmium revealed that adhesive ureterostenosis in 6, inflammatory ureteral polyp in 4, encapsulation of the calculi by granulation tissue in 2.
Ureterolithotomy is thy best way for upper segment ureteral calculi and ureterocystoscope with holmium is the hest way for middle or lower segment ureteral calculi when ESWL fails.
A large staghorn calculus is seen obstructing the renal peli-calyceal system. The lower pole of the kidney shows areas of hemorrhage and necrosis with collapse of cortical areas.
In this case, a large "staghorn" calculus (so named because the prominent projections of the stone into the calyces resemble deer antlers) was present that filled up the pelvis and calyceal system.