3.During heating,phase transformation and expansibility of the new quartz sands and the calcined Quartz sands from two places were determined by DSC and thermodilatometry.
4.Thermal dynamical analysis on the calcine system of cement-precalcination kiln in Shangdong Lunan Cement Ltd.Co. was made in this paper, exergy and its analytical method were introduced.
5.The IR spectra of hydrogel, alcogel and aerogel of BaFe12O19 were studied, and the ones of the powders calcined at different temperatures for different time were also studied.
2.I saw another at work to calcine ice into gunpowder; who likewise showed me a treatise he had written concerning the malleability of fire, which he intended to publish.
3.And here in Switzerland, we have found that clays produce very reactive materials when they're calcined,that's to say heated to around 800 degrees Celsius, significantly lower than the 1,450 needed to produce cement.
4.We then take this calcined clay, and we add a bit of limestone -- but this time not heated, so no CO2 emissions -- and some cement, and this combination of limestone, calcined clay and cement, we call LC3.