14.His brutish handling of even mild critics is overshadowing more admirable policies, which include curbing the religious police, letting women drive and encouraging them to work.
15.Those consigned to the fields were the ones least willing or able to learn, the least energetic, the least honest and trustworthy, the most vicious and brutish.
17.Besides, the affection of some women for their children is, as I have before termed it, frequently very brutish; for it eradicates every spark of humanity.
18.The evidence suggests that the Industrial Revolution not only shortened the lifespans of members of several generations, but made them more nasty and brutish as well.
证据表明, 工业革命仅缩短了几代的寿命,还使他们的生活变得更加恶劣和野蛮。机翻
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19.This ordinary speech deserves the description which Hobbes gave to his " State of Nature, " that " it is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short" .
20.Tomorrow, on the mainland, " the Free State lads are executing a couple of the IRA lads, " says a brutish policeman on Inisherin, a fictional island off Ireland's west coast.