The interior was silent and bitingly cold.
大门, 屋里静, 冷。
Now having a night, a day, and still another night following before me in New Bedford, It was a very dubious-looking, nay, a very dark and dismal night, bitingly cold and cheerless. I knew no one in the place.
现,新贝德福,等上一天两夜,能搭船到要去港口去, ere I could embark for my destined port, it became a matter of concernment where I was to eat and sleep meanwhile。因此,这时候,该到哪里去吃去睡,就成为一件重大事情了。这是一个非常朦胧、简直是非常黯黑而阴沉夜晚,天气冷彻肌肤,了无生趣。这个地方谁都不认识。