The most commonly used method for the covalent binding of biomolecules onto 1-D nanostructures is through the diimide-activated amidation of carboxylic acid terminated nanostructures.
With serum arylesterase as the topics of teaching, small biomolecules, enzyme and protein, nucleic acids and genes as well as the techniques for their researches were covered.
Ice is not a biomolecule, but when it mixes with carbon, the atoms in ice molecules change to produce complex molecules – and that's when interesting things start to happen.
AlphaFold 3, released in May, goes beyond proteins to predict the structure of a host of other biomolecules, such as DNA, as well as small molecules that might function as drugs.
5 月份发布 AlphaFold 3 不仅限于蛋白质, 还可以预测许多其他生分子构,例如 DNA 以及可能用作药小分子。