9.That brain has to outwit other big, smart brains that are trying to eat it, and that includes porpoises and seals and barracudas and sharks and even us humans.
10.It " barracuda" lend a " golden perch" to more in depth " grouper" research. " Bullheaded" in its purpose to go " trout" beneath the surface. " Holy Mackeral" to its " albacore" .
11.And if you savor the competition of a staring contest, don't lock eyes with the stonefish, they're no angel fish and you barracuda get hurt if its piercing gaze comes trout and you're not with the safe grouper.
12.At Number 9 there was Lord Danvers, a distinguished but weak-looking man whose francs were presumably provided by his rich American wife, a middle-aged woman with the predatory mouth of a barracuda, who sat at Number 3.