3.Esophageal barium meal examination showed visible esophageal smooth funnel-shaped narrow the application of spasmolytic agents will enable the expansion.
4.We have observed similar protection and viability with other water-insoluble compounds such as calcium alginate, dimethylglyoxime, zinc carbonate, barium carbonate, and 1-aminoanthraquinone.
5.WNM can inhibit the spontaneous movement of isolated intestine of rabbits and antagonize the spasm of isolated intestine induced by acecoline,barium chloride,histamine.
6.In this paper,two methods for analyzing air sulphation rate were studied and compared.One was ion chromatography and the other was barium sulfate spectrophotometry.
7.Results indicate that both of barium thioglycolate and barium-natrium thioglycolate can increase the thermal stability of PVC system, and the thermal stability of barium thioglycolate is better.
8.X-ray fluoroscopy examination arid barium meal were performed in 15 cases with esophageal foreign bodies and injury.All cases were proven by esophagoscope examination and clinic treatment.
9.This work applied the new type capillary column modified by barium sulfate. It has completed the solubilty of high boiling ester in para-methyl-toluate with the method of chromatography.
10.We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials, one of which, accompanying bismuth, has been given the name polonium, while the other, paired with barium, has been called radium.
11.In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen accidentally discovered that a cathode-ray tube could make a sheet of paper coated with barium platinocyanide glow, even when the tube and the paper were in separate rooms.
14.X-rays with barium contrast of the upper GI tract can be useful to identify the location of the cancer and complications like ulcers or esophageal stenosis.
15.The team added barium sulfate, often used to make photo paper, and calcium carbonate, something you'd find in rocks or shells, to make an even whiter, even more reflective, even cooler surface.
16.Drs Ding and Kildahl made their version by grinding up barium carbonate, calcium carbonate, niobium oxide and iron oxide, mixing the resulting powders, and then baking the mixture in an oven.
17.Diagnosis includes the medical history, lab tests looking for nutritional or electrolyte deficiencies or a resulting anemia, imaging such as an abdominal X-ray, barium studies, or MRI, and endoscopy of the upper and lower intestines.