The balky horse refused the jump.
" Oh, you cad" ! she cried and her mind leaped about, trying to think of worse things to call him, things she had heard Gerald call Mr. Lincoln, the MacIntoshes and balky mules, but the words would not come.
" 啊,你这流氓!" 她喊着,一面心急如火,想找出更恶毒话来骂他,找出她听见杰拉尔德骂林肯先生和麦金什人以及倔犟骡子那些话来骂他,可是怎么也找不着。" 你这流坯,卑鄙肮脏臭东西!" 同时由于想不出更带侮辱性手段,她把手抽回来,使出浑身在他嘴巴上打了一巴掌。
Once on the spot, he got more tutoring, managed to make himself a name for coaxing balky youths to take their fences, and was finally able to take up the more congenial task of expounding " the antiquities" to cultured travellers.