| 划词

1.Three groups discriminated by risk attitude are Risk averter, Risk balancer and Risk lover.



2.Newly developed semi automatic grinding wheel balancer for precise grinder detects unbalance vibrative signal by digital phase sensitive detection technique.



3.Risk averter prefers bank deposit and insurance, Risk lover prefers foreign exchange and stock and Risk balancer prefers futures.




ilikibiology, ilima, iling, iliococcygeus, iliococoygeus, iliocostalis, iliofemoroplasty, iliometer, Ilion, iliopagus,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.She diagnosed Liver Qi stagnation and sent Harvey to a Shen balancer.


System Design

2.This determines how the load balancer distributes incoming requests to the backend servers.


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System Design

3.So load balancers can operate at different layers.

因此, 均衡器可以在不同的层上运行。机翻

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System Design

4.Second is the layer in the OSI model that the load balancer operates at.

第二个均衡器在 OSI 模型运行的层。机翻

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System Design

5.All right, but what are our load balancers distributing traffic to?

好吧, 们的均衡器将流量分配给什么?机翻

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System Design

6.Now, when we talk about load balancers, there are two relevant points of discussion that are worth bringing up in your interview.


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System Design

7.Our load balancer will then take that request and send it to our API gateway.

然后,们的均衡器将接收该请求并将其发送到们的 API 网关。机翻

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System Design

8.From here, requests sent from the client hit our load balancer.

从这里开始, 客户端发送的请求会触及们的均衡器。机翻

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System Design

9.And then our load balancer is going to be a layer 7 load balancer.

然后, 们的均衡器将一个第 7 层均衡器。机翻

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System Design

10.Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, and they're key to scalability in just about every single system design interview that you're going to do.


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System Design

11.Now, the API gateway's responsibility is to take the incoming requests from the load balancer and forward them on to the appropriate service.

现在,API Gateway 的职责接收来自均衡器的传入请求,并将其转发到相应的服务。机翻

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System Design

12.Layer 7 load balancers are interesting because they can make routing decisions based on the actual content of the request, such as the URL or the header.

第 7 层均衡器很有趣,因为它们可以根据请求的实际内容(例如 URL 或标头)做出路由决策。机翻

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System Design

13.It's worth mentioning that these three components, the client, the load balancer, and the API gateway, are going to be present in roughly 90% of the system design interviews that you do.

值得一提的,这三个组件(客户端、均衡器和 API 网关)将出现在您所做的大约 90% 的系统设计面试机翻

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ill at ease, ill health, ill humor, ill nature, ill with, Ill., illacrimation, ill-advised, Illaenina, ill-affected,


3G, 401(K), a,
  • 手机客户端二维码

