2.Newly developed semi automatic grinding wheel balancer for precise grinder detects unbalance vibrative signal by digital phase sensitive detection technique.
10.Load balancers distribute incoming traffic across multiple servers, and they're key to scalability in just about every single system design interview that you're going to do.
12.Layer 7 load balancers are interesting because they can make routing decisions based on the actual content of the request, such as the URL or the header.
13.It's worth mentioning that these three components, the client, the load balancer, and the API gateway, are going to be present in roughly 90% of the system design interviews that you do.
值得一提的,这三个组件(客户端、均衡器和 API 网关)将出现在您所做的大约 90% 的系统设计面试。机翻