Prince Hamlet used revoltingly grisly images in the vicious baiting of his hatred uncle when he told him that in nature's food chain,the worm is king.
Building off the last point, the people pleaser's own insecurities make them constant external validation hunters; which involves also proactively baiting the trap for approval and not just responding nicely when asked for input.
Gamesters at play; cunning rogues baiting their traps with subtle skill; beauty in love with courage, and thus planning to be sought by it; danger, death, love, disappointment, ridicule--any of these might respond to that temerarious rap.
游戏玩家正在玩耍;狡猾的盗贼以巧妙的技巧设置陷阱;美人爱上了勇气, 因而计划被勇敢所追求;危险、死亡、爱情、失望、嘲笑——任何这些都可能对那句鲁莽的说唱做出反应。
But when they joined up with Farlen's party, one look at the kennelmaster's face smashed all of Theon's hopes to shards. " The only thing those dogs are fit for is a bear baiting, " he said angrily. " Would that I had a bear" .
但当他们与法兰的团队重新会合,席恩只消看驯兽长一眼,便知他的希望已彻底粉碎。" 这些臭狗该拿去喂熊," 他恼怒地说," 如果我有熊的话。"