15.Avowing their plan to return to Jeffersonian principles, they now called themselves Democrats and welcomed citizens of all stripes to join their ranks.
他公开表示计划回归杰斐逊原则, 现在称自己为民主党人, 并欢迎各种公民加入他的行列。机翻
「American Heritage History of the Presidents」评价该例句:好评差评指正
16.Jefferson looked upon such government as dangerous to the liberties of citizens and openly avowed his faith in the desirability of occasional popular uprisings.
17.He told stories about engineers leaping their trains over rivers without bridges, by putting on full steam;and many of those present avowed themselves of the engineer's mind.
19.How could she approach her husband, and confess a scene which she had no reason to conceal, and which she yet felt, nevertheless, unwilling to avow?
20.The textbooks refused even to discuss theories, frankly throwing up their hands and avowing that progress depended on studying each rock as a law to itself.