12.Doctors later diagnosed a complex respiratory infection involving bacteria, viruses and pneumonia in both lungs, exacerbated by his history of asthmatic bronchitis.
16.After " a prolonged asthmatic respiratory crisis" on Saturday, and the need for blood transfusions, the Vatican said on Sunday that blood tests showed early signs of kidney failure, but emphasized that the condition was under control.
17.Toby David is visiting from Philly. A gifted speech maker, he helped christen the Marjorie just the day before. Now he reminds us he is not a good swimmer, asthmatic, and does not like cold water.
Toby David 从费城来访。他是一位有天赋演讲者,就在前一天,他帮助为马乔里洗礼。现在他提醒我们他不是一个好游泳运动员,有病,而且不喜欢冷水。机翻