1.The paper made out the nano-microcapsule theca,by selecting admixture of houttynia cordata thunb extract liquid and pyrethrin as core material,epoxy resin as wall material.
2.He was already starting to show the admixture of sensitivity and insensitivity, bristliness and detachment, that would mark him for the rest of his life.
5.What stands most closely related to them, though with a large admixture of Greek vitality and nerve-force, is epicureanism, the theory of salvation of paganism.
6.Russian readers of this passage thus learned that their European peers were anxious about the purity of their " blood" and considered admixtures to it as corrupting and degrading.
7.This common nature, in virtue of which they are all just, will be justice itself, the pure essence the admixture of which with facts of ordinary life produces the multiplicity of just acts.
8.Because of the nature of practical problems and because of the admixture of oratory in all practical writing, the " personality" of the author is more important in the case of practical books than theoretical.
9." This is really the first evidence that there was something functional that was contributed from this admixture that was useful for modern humans, " says Laurent Abi-Rached, a research associate in Parham's lab and first author on the report in science.