13.Antagonism can be easily accomplished by conentional dosages of edrophonium or neostigmine administered in conjunction with the appropriate anticholinergic agent.
15.Quinolone is known as broad antibacterial spectrum,high potency,no crossing drugresistance with other antibacterial drugs,and easy and low cost to administer.
16.Methods To observe the effect of emodin on delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH) induced by dinitrofluorobenzene (DNFB), mice were administered emodin by i.p.
17.Methods Colophony globules were administered to rats by gastrogavage and the gastric emptying rate was calculated by counting the number of colophony globules in stomach.
18.It is the osteopathic physician's highly developed sense of touch that allows the physician to palpate (feel) this motion and, through skilled hands, to administer osteopathic manipulative treatments.
19.Conclusion:The early operation should be administered when the burst fracture complicated with incomplete neurotmesis happens in the segment of thoracic and lumbar vertebrae.
20.In io tests can lead to an anaphylactic reaction, and therefore should be only administered by a trained allergist in the presence of resuscitation equipment.