1.Yingzuishan gold deposit lies in the intersection point of North Qilian Mts and South Altyn abruption, it is related to the ultramafite nearly in space.
11.Not all of Shakespeare's many creations have stood the test of time, including barky, brisky, conflux, exsufflicate, ungenitured, unhair, questrist, cadent, perisive, abruption, appertainments, implausive, vastidity and tortive.
并非莎士比亚的所有创作都经受住了时间的考验, 包括狂吠、活泼、混杂、脱胎换骨、未成熟、脱发、追寻者、抑扬顿挫、游历、突然、附属娱乐、令人难以置信、浩瀚和曲折。机翻
12.Also use of certain drugs are risk factors, like cocaine and methamphetamine because these can cause significant vasoconstriction of the placental blood vessels and an abrupt increase in blood pressure, increasing the risk of an abruption.
13.Also, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or DIC, is also a possible complication, since the decidua basalis layer is also rich in thromboplastin, so an abruption causes the release of large quantities of thromboplastin which causes widespread clotting.