The sons of Regma: Saba and Dadan.
It is not far from Kfer Saba.
Saba Mahmood is with the University of California at Berkeley.
Saba Mahmood是加州大学伯克利分校工作人员。
Alia 's books was destroyed and Saba raised money to rebuild it.
It was from the kingdom of Saba in what is now the Yemini province of Marib.
Naila Saba is the co-owner of Alia's books a bookstore and cafe that was a hub for artists, journalists and activists.
Naila Saba是Alia‘s Books的共同所有者,这是家书店和咖啡馆,曾是艺术家、记者和活动家的中心。
Saba was determined to send her father and her uncle to jail, but in the days after leaving the hospital, pressure mounted on her to forgive.
In a central market a few kilometers away, Najila Ali Saba shops for her nine children and 21 grandchildren. She said bombs are a major worry.
在几公里外的中心市场上,Najila Ali Saba在为她的9个孩子和21个孙儿买东西,她说炸弹是最大的担忧。
Also among the pieces is a traditional Pakistani wedding dress by Saba Ali, a San Francisco-area stylist who served as an adviser to the exhibition.
展品中还有件传统的基斯坦婚纱, 由旧金山地区的造型师 Saba Ali 设计,他曾担任展览的顾问。
The head of the BBC's Persian service Sadeq Saba says family members of at least 15 London based staff were called in by the Intelligence Ministry in Teheran.
BBC驻波斯总裁Sadeq Saba说,至少15名在伦敦总部的员工的家属都收到德黑兰情报局的电话。