Sled hockey is a variation of ice hockey designed for athletes with physical disabilities.
A monobob sled costs around $15,000, a much more affordable price tag.
Sled dogs were the only way to get the important medicine to the city.
The laboratory investigations for SLE include: 1) Anti-nuclear antibody, ANA.
SLE 的实验室检查包括: 1) 抗核抗,ANA。
Then, they pulled and pushed the sled farther up the hill.
然后,他们拉着雪橇, 推着雪橇向山上走去。
A sledge is similar to a sled or a sleigh. Have you ridden a sled in winter?
She and her sled slid right under the horse.
Sled dogs pull sleds, which are small vehicles with a flat bottom that are used for moving over snow or ice.
Everything and everyone that traveled the trail had to do so on dog sled.
The ANA can be grouped into 4 categories: a) Antibodies to double-stranded DNA, or anti-dsDNA that is specific for SLE.
ANA 可分为 4 类: a) 双链 DNA 抗,对 SLE 的抗 dsDNA。
When it comes to feats of endurance, sled dogs turn the competition to … mush! .
当谈到耐力壮举时, 雪橇犬将比赛变成了… … 糊状!
Thanks for helping me clean my driveway and for taking a ride down the hill on a sled.
So they put the sled in the shed behind the house, to wait until Sunday was over.
So, the only way you could get there was by taking transportation such as a dog sled.
This is the hallmark of the disease, as it is positive in virtually all patients with SLE in the course of their disease.
这是该疾病的标志,因为几乎所有 SLE 患者在其病程中都呈阳性。
They looked at their catechism and they thought about the new sled, and it seemed that Sunday would never end.
So, the only way to get across the land was to use the dog sled as your method of transportation.
Sledding is when you get a sled and you go down a hill, you slide down the hill on the sled, or toboggan.
Tad once made a sled out of a chair and had a goat pull him right through the middle of an elegant party.
泰德曾经用椅子做了一个雪橇, 让一只山羊把他拉到一个优雅的派对中间。
But the fresh snow from last night is still soft and powdery, and that was making it hard for our sled to slide across it.