| 划词

1.Abstract: Paraneoplastic opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome (OMS) is associated with small cell lung cancer (SCLC) in adults.




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1.Inspired by Gandhi's Activism, King worked with the SCLC to organize black voters and civil rights protests.


Fast Facts Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer

2.Small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) accounts for approximately 15%.


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3.They felt the SCLC should not break laws.

他们认为 SCLC 不应违法。机翻

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4.He stayed with the SCLC until 2004.

他一直在 SCLC 工作到 2004 年。机翻

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5.Martin and the leaders of the SCLC decided to boycott white businesses.

马丁和 SCLC 的领导人决抵制白人企业。机翻

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6.So, in good faith, Martin and the leaders of the SCLC agreed.

因此,马丁和 SCLC 的领导人本着诚意同意了。机翻

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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

7.As president of the SCLC, King participated in hundreds of nonviolent protests against social injustice.

作为 SCLC 主席,参加了数百起针对社会不公正的非暴力抗议活动。机翻

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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

8.The SCLC provided King with plenty of opportunities to give lectures around the country, speaking at church functions and political events.

SCLC 为了大量在全国各地演讲、在教堂活动和政治活动中发表演讲的机会。机翻

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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

9.After this success, King helped establish the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an organization that would mobilize people all over the country to fight for justice and equal opportunities for African Americans.


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Level 9 08.Single Stories(60篇完结)

10.This type of activism challenged King's less confrontational approach and created a growing divide between groups like the SCLC, which wanted to work peacefully for social change, and those that asserted that the time for negotiation had passed.

这种类型的激进主义对的不那么对抗性的做法出了挑战,并在 SCLC 等希望和平地推动社会变革的团体与那些声称谈判时间已经过去的团体之间造成了越来越大的分歧。机翻

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