This time, NIST focused on stability, or how identical the ticks are.
这一次,NIST 专注于稳定性,或者刻度线的相同程度。
Which is why NIST sells domestic sludge.
这就是 NIST 出售生活污泥的原因。
[Derek] Steel is still one of the most important SRMs at NIST.
- [Derek] Steel 仍然是 NIST 最重要的 SRM 之一。
[Derek] And for those tests to be consistent, the fires must be started with a standardized NIST cigarette.
- [Derek] 为了使这些测试保持一致,必须使用标准化的 NIST 香烟来点火。
NIST is preparing to launch its first living standard reference material next year.
NIST 正准备于明年推出其第一份生活标准参考。
Take the example of one encryption system called Sike, which NIST seemed to think had potential.
以一种名为 Sike 的加密系统为例, NIST 似乎认为它具有潜力。
NIST eventually got about 70 proposals from cryptographers around the world for crypto systems that might stock quantum computers.
NIST 最终从世界各地的密码学家那里收到了大约 70 份关于可量子计算机的密码系统的提案。
On August 13th NIST announced that three algorithms had been approved as official standards for PQC.
8 月 13 日,NIST 宣布三种算法已被批准为 PQC 的官方标准。
NIST says they get about 2,000 calls every day from people who want to set their clocks.
NIST 说他们每天接到大约 2,000 个电话,他们希望设置时钟。
NIST was able to create a positive control reference of the monkey pox DNA in just 30 days.
NIST 够在短短 30 天内创建猴痘 DNA 的阳性对照参考。
Some of these systems performed " significantly better" than the earlier ones, the NIST's Mei Ngan said in a statement on Tuesday.
美国国家标准与技术研究所的Mei Ngan在周二的一份声明中表示,其中一些系统的性相比之前" 明显好了很多" 。
Eventually, in July 2022, NIST announced a shortlist of four algorithms that were candidates for standardisation.
最终,在 2022 年 7 月,NIST 公布了四种标准化候选算法的名单。
NIST consequently chose backup algorithms that did not rely on lattices.
因此,NIST 选择了不依赖于格的备份算法。
Now, CYC is a crypto system that NIST had said, Oh yeah, we're continuing to consider that one.
现在,CYC 是一个加密系统, NIST 曾说过, 哦,是的,我们正在继续考虑那个。
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), America's standards agency, has now fired the starting gun for this transition.
NIST also said it would continue to evaluate four backup algorithms, some of which might be adopted as standards in future.
The possibility still exists that flaws will be found in NIST's new standards.
NIST 的新标准中仍然在发现缺陷的可性。
Given that three out of four of NIST's preferred algorithms were of this type, this was a potentially disastrous finding.
鉴于 NIST 首选的四种算法中三种都属于这种类型,这可是一个灾难性的发现。
A few years ago, NIST built a strontium clock that broke the world record for precision – that’s how accurately a clock tracks atomic oscillations.
几年前,NIST 制造了一个锶时钟, 打破了世界精度记录——这就是时钟跟踪原子振荡的准确程度。
Starting on July 1, police in Virginia will be able to use facial recognition tools that have 98 percent or higher accuracy based on the NIST test.