NGC 1512 is a barred spiral galaxy in the southern constellation of Horologium.
NGC 1512是个处在南天钟座的棒旋。
Where it wandered, among a cluster of galaxies, before settling into a new home in NGC 1277.
黑洞在星系团之间游走,之后在新家 NGC 1277 中安顿下来。
Ten-second trivia: The prefix NGC, which stands for New General Catalog, is used to organize what?
But that's puny compared with the whopper that researchers discovered last year in an otherwise unremarkable galaxy called NGC 1277.
但跟研究员去在一个名为“NGC 1277”的平平无奇星系中发现的庞然大物相比,它还是小儿科了。
This is NGC 520, and it's the product of a cosmic collision, but this galaxy is 100 million light years away.
这是 NGC 520,一次星际大碰撞的产物,它离我们有一亿光远。
NGC 3603 is a massive star forming region located at about 20,000 light-years away from us in the Milky Way.
NGC 3603 是一个巨大的恒星形成区,位于距我们约 20,000 光的银河系中。