| 划词

1.MSCI is the abbrivated form of sulfur, coal, ironsand mineral etc. As Bentusun's subsidiary, MSCI SBU is mainly dealing with mineral in the international market.




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1.MSCI's Russia index has a price-to earnings ratio of six, compared with 12 for its broader emerging-market index.


《金》 Podcast

2.That's according to new data from MSCI.

这是根据 MSCI 的新数据得出的。机翻

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3.MSCI now expects parity by 2038, four years earlier than previous estimates.

MSCI 现在预计到 2038 年实现平价,比之前的估计提前了四年。机翻

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4.But investment research firm MSCI, which creates stock indexes, classifies 24 countries as emerging markets.

但创建股票指数的投资研究公 MSCI 24 国家归类为新兴市场。机翻

经济学人 Finance and economics

5.Take, for example, msci's broadest index of global stocks, ranked according to market value.

以摩根士丹利资本国 (MSCI) 最广泛的全球股票指数为例,该指数根据市值排名。机翻

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6.The MSCI index of global stocks is on course for its worst month since last September.

MSCI 全球股市指数有望迎来去年 9 月以来最糟糕的一月。机翻

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7.Matthias Hanauer of Robeco, an asset manager, tracks the most heavily shorted stocks in the MSCI Developed Index, a benchmark of global shares.



8.Unlike the IMF, the MSCI uses how investable a country’s stock market is to determine whether it's an emerging market.

与 IMF 不同,MSCI 使用一国家的股票市场的可投资性来确定它是否是一新兴市场。机翻

Freakonomics Radio

9.But he's also saying that E.S.G. ratings — put out by firms like MSCI, Sustainalytics, and Bloomberg — aren't very useful.

但他也表示 E.S.G.由 MSCI、Sustainalytics 和 Bloomberg 等公发布的评级并不是很有用。机翻

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10.The MSCI is known for its Emerging Markets Index, which shows us how emerging countries like Brazil, China and Turkey are doing.

MSCI 以其新兴市场指数而闻名,该指数向我们展示了巴西、中国和土耳其等新兴国家的表现。机翻

经济学人 Finance and economics

11.Since the start of 2005, measured in pounds sterling, the MSCI World share index has generated annualised nominal returns of above 10%.

自2005年初以来, 以英镑计价,MSCI全球股票指数的年化名义回率已超过10%。机翻

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经济学人 Finance and economics

12.But they cut lonely figures: exclude China from MSCI's index of emerging-market shares, and the remainder have been clocking rapid gains, too.


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13.Over the past decade, the MSCI Canada and Britain indices have returned 4% and 3% a year in dollar terms, while American stocks have returned 13%.



14.The MSCI index, which shows total returns, shows emerging markets had been doing pretty well, until January 2018, when things began to sour.

显示总回的 MSCI 指数显示, 新兴市场一直表现良好,直到 2018 年 1 月情况开始恶化。机翻

经济学人 Business

15.In practice, worries Chris Cote of MSCI, a research firm, it will be hard to tell if a given project would have been financed even without inducements from deep-pocketed multinationals.

上,研究公 MSCI 的克里斯·科特 (Chris Cote) 担心,即使没有来自财力雄厚的跨国公的诱因,也很难判断某项目是否会获得资。机翻

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16.So the MSCI World Index sounds wonderfully international and global, but actually if you had looked recently then it would have something like between I think it's two-thirds or maybe even approaching 70 per cent in the US markets.

因此,MSCI世界指数听起来非常国化和全球性,但实上,如果你最近看一下, 那么它在美国市场的比率大约在三分之二甚至接近70%之间。机翻

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