1.The Microprogrammed Control Unit (MCU) is mainly used to the ordering and obeys of microinstruction.
1." Doctor Strange" took the MCU visually to a new level.
2." Will Nicolas Cage be in the MCU? "
3.How do I... In the MC, is it MCU universe? - MCU universe. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
我怎么… … 漫威电影宇宙中吗?- 漫威电影宇宙。- ,,,。
4.You know, throughout the whole MCU this guy has nothing but fun.
5.Take this shot, where the MCU's female heroes stood together.
6." Captain Marvel" also features some of the MCU's most convincing de-aging work to date.
7.It's because the MCU has introduced the concept of multiverses, where anyone can show up at any time.
8.Let's take a step back and see how the multiverse idea was first introduced early on in the MCU.
9." That will complete the second saga of the MCU, which of course is 'The Multiverse Saga, '" he said.
10.After all, she has been on a relentless bummer of a journey since joining the MCU.
毕竟,自从加入 MCU 来, 她一直经历一段无情旅程。机翻
11.And by the way, everyone at the MCU is so friggin' tall.
12.Narrator: The MCU blockbuster " Black Widow" was filmed in multiple cities across the globe.
13.It's a fun ride and, in the chronology of the MCU, one that takes place after Endgame.
这一次有趣旅程, 并且按照 MCU 时间顺序, 发生 Endgame 之后。机翻
14.One consistent thread throughout many of the MCU's films before Infinity War has been the impending approach of Thanos.
《复仇者联盟 3:无限战争》之前,许多 MCU 电影中都有一个一致主线,那就灭霸即将到来。机翻
15.For quite a while now the timing of Endgame within the MCU's greater timeline has been mysteriously impossible to pin down.
很长一段时间来,《复仇者联盟 4:终局之战》 MCU 大时间线中时间一直难确定。机翻
16.One of the biggest effects that Endgame had on the MCU was a sudden jump five years into the future.
《终局之战》对 MCU 最大影响之一故事突然跳转到了五年后未来。机翻
17.The alterations it can create could begin to make MCU continuity start to feel a little bit like herding cats.
它所能创造改变能会让 MCU 连续性开始感觉有点像放牧猫。机翻
18.Signal demodulation was finished by receiver when it detected signal, data was sent to computer by MCU, and then wireless data transit was achieved.
19.Far from Home will be the first time Marvel really shows us what the MCU looks like after the Infinity Saga.
20.Will this be the last we see of the crime-fighting spider in the MCU?
这会我们最后一次 MCU 中看到打击犯罪蜘蛛吗?机翻