| 划词

1.The principle of PVC modified by MBS resin and the properties of SBR latexes reeded were briefly introduced.




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报》 Podcast

1.Well, this week I'm buying MBS, Mohammed bin Salman.


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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

2.You want, I don't know, like a MBS fumble return for a touchdown.


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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

3.Park says, MBS is the relative you have really low expectations for.

Park 说,MBS 是你对它的期望值很低的亲戚。机翻

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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

4.Oh, man, we're dunking on MBS.

哦,伙计,我们正在 MBS 上扣篮。机翻

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报》 Podcast

5.Khashoggi himself, when alive, had highlighted how MBS controlled everything in Saudi Arabia.

Khashoggi 本人在世曾强调 MBS 如何控制沙特阿拉伯的切。机翻

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报》 Podcast

6.And Saudi Arabia as a whole under MBS has been trying to attract more foreign investment into the kingdom.


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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

7.MBS is the third highest played player on the entire Kansas City Chiefs offense.

MBS 是整个堪萨斯城酋长队进攻中出场数第三高的球员。机翻

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Fresh Air

8.So what role do you see MBS playing in the future of this war, in the future of Israeli-Palestinian relations?


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报》 Podcast

9.MBS has a positive economic story to tell for the first time in many years now.

多年来,MBS 首讲述了个积极的经济故事。机翻

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报》 Podcast

10.I think the era of western ostracisation of MBS is behind us, but that never was the case with non-western countries.

我认为西方排斥 MBS 的代已经过去,但非西方国家从未如此。机翻

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报》 Podcast

11.Their line is that MBS is taking responsibility for it, although he did not give the order and that that's behind essentially.

他们的说法是 MBS 对此负责,尽管他没有下命令, 这基本上已经落后了。机翻

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报》 Podcast

12.And it's this huge breakthrough, not directly yet with Saudi, but with the Gulf states, with the promise that at some point MBS might even normalise with Israel.

这是个巨大的突破, 不是直接与沙特合作,而是与海湾国家合作, 并承诺在某个候 MBS 甚至可能与以色列实现正常化。机翻

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Fantasy Footballers - Fantasy Football Podcast

13.This offense is not quite what it should be. So you know Skymore MBS who just does cardio. You know these players. He's got to be so fit. They're not getting it done.

这种罪行并不完全是应有的。所以你知道 Skymore MBS 只做有氧运动。你认识这些球员。他定很健康。他们没有完成它。机翻

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Fresh Air

14.Well, in a way, MBS has most, if not all, of the leverage here, and maybe he has all along where he is the one who can say, yes, I'm going to make peace with Israel.

嗯,在某种程度上,MBS 在这里拥有大部分(如果不是全部)影响力,也许他直都是那个可以说,是的,我将与以色列实现和平的人。机翻

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Fresh Air

15.You know, it was reported that the leader of Iran and MBS, Mohammed bin Salman, the leader of Saudi Arabia, had a 45-minute phone call the other day, and it was the first time they spoke.


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报》 Podcast

16.An intelligence report released by the Biden administration pinned the blame for the brutal murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi firmly on Saudi Arabia's de facto leader, Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who's universally known as MBS.

拜登政府发布的份情报报告将沙特记者贾迈勒· 卡舒吉被残忍杀害的责任牢牢地归咎于沙特阿拉伯事实上的领导人、世人称为MBS的王储穆罕默德· 本· 萨勒曼。机翻

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