1.In the normal nondistended state,this area coincides with the most caudad portion of the manometrically determined LES located within and caudad to the diaphragmatic hiatus.
1.在常扩大州,这区域一致那最在压力计坚决 LES 部分内对横隔膜裂缝。
1.When he shook hands with Capitaine Brunot he enquired politely after Madame et les enfants.
2.If you show me quickly, I might be more Les-lenient.
3.That, though, turns out to be a calumny against les Anglais.
4.The Jacobins really weren't that far to the left, but there are groups like The Enraged, les enrages.
雅各宾派并不那么极左的,但确实有组织例如忿激派 非常激进。
5." They are like that — les femmes" !
“她们就是那样——les femmes” !机翻
6.Those in power are known as " les moustaches" ; any accomplishment elicits a congratulatory " les hommes! " (" men! " ).
那些当权者被称为 " 小胡子" ;任何成就都会引起 " 男人们 " 的祝贺。(" 男人!" )。
7.Here, les finish drinking this here sassprilluh.
在这里,les 在这里 sassprilluh 喝完这个。机翻
8." Ce sont les pires, " Kollomietzev remarked sarcastically.
“Ce sont les pires, ” Kollomietzev 讽刺地说。机翻
9.Come on, les go down to the branch.
10.Tous les Jours is like a Korean French-inspired bakery.
Tous les Jours 就像一家韩国法式面包店。机翻
11.[Orange] Good idea, let's get back on les track.
- [橙子] 好主意, 让我们重回正轨吧。机翻
12.It's pronounced " Moonman" -- les moonman.
应该发音成 月人 那些月人。
13.Daily les Boches were drawing nearer.
每天的 les Boches 都越来越近了。机翻
14.Tous les egards... certainement, tous les egards, " the soft, pleasant words flowed through his scented moustache. "
“Tous les egards… … 确定,tous les egards, ” 、耳的话语从他散发着香味的小胡子中流过。机翻
15.Heartburn starts in an area called the gastroesophageal junction, where the LES resides.
胃灼热始于 LES 所在的称为胃食管交界处的区域。机翻
16.All my friends all my home brother, a lot of girls from LES.
我所有的朋友,我所有的家乡兄弟,很多来自 LES 的女孩。机翻
17.France enjoyed " les trente glorieuses" , from 1945 to 1975, when GDP grew at an average of 6% a year.
18.'You say yourself that one ought not devant les domestiques' he added in an undertone.
“你自己说一个人不应该改变 les domestiques” 他低声补充道。机翻
19.There is, however, a second les known type of volcano that doesn't involve mountain building.
20.Now for the sandwich bread, I am using whole milk bread from Tous les Jours.
现在做三明治面包,我用的是Tous les Jours的全脂牛奶面包。机翻