What did you make of the controversy over " Je t'aime" ?
你怎么看《Je t'aime》这首歌的争议?
Montreal is a city with a certain je ne sais quoi.
" Je ne sais qua" means I don't know what.
" 就该是这样的" 意思就是我不知道为啥会这样。
There's just a certain mysterious element, a certain je ne sais qua.
That ubiquitous slogan, Je suis Charlie, on banners and t-shirts, in bar and shop windows.
This image, Je suis Charlie, or I am Charlie began trending shortly after the attacks.
But the Brits also appreciate the je ne sais quoi that only French culture provides.
That slouchy, sexy, je ne sais quoi thing. But I am the customer that wants it.
那种慵懒 性感 说不来的风格 但是我是一个想要拥有这一切的消费者。
He holds a placard reading Je suis Charlie. And above his head are the words all is forgiven.
Je suis juif. I am a Jew in solidarity with Jews killed at a kosher supermarket Friday.
All his irritation was gone, and he felt-eh bien, oui, je ne le nie pas-he felt an overwhelming pity.
" Je prends, " she replied. " I'll take it" .
“Je prends, ” 她回答道。“我要买它” 。
Je ne sais pas, as we say in French.
Je ne sais pas,正如我们用法语所说的那样。
" Ah! je m'en fiche! Her case was certainly not interesting" .
“啊!je m'en fiche!她的案子肯定不有趣” 。
She has got that je ne sais quoi.
" Name be's Beatrice. I be's 'Geechee. Folks jes' calls me 'Geechee" .
“名字是比阿特丽斯。我是'Geechee。伙计们jes'称我为'Geechee” 。
What, are we speaking French, eh? Je m'appelle Rudy!
怎么 跟我说法语? (法语)我叫鲁迪!
Je m'appeIIe Carrie Bradshaw. l'm staying here with Aleksandr Petrovsky.
我叫凯莉布雷萧 我来找亚力山大佩特洛夫斯基。
Je suis Emily from Savoir. -I don't speak French.
-Je suis Emily 来自 Savoir。 -我不会说法语。
You really have that certain je ne sais quoi, don't you?
你的确有某种 难以言喻的魔力对吧?