Objective To evaluate the performance of complement depend micro-lymphocytotoxicity assay (CDMA) for the detection of human leucocyte antigen-B27 (HLA-B27).
The first part of Dr Schrepfer's approach is therefore to prevent the production of HLA proteins in laboratory-grown beta cells destined for transplant.
So, specifically with autoimmune hepatitis, there seems to be some sort of connection between these particular " self-proteins" , the HLA-DR, and mounting an attack against your own liver.
If the immune system comes across non-self HLA proteins, it recognises the cells displaying them as interlopers and attacks, using shock troops called killer T-cells and antibodies.
如果系统遇到非自身 HLA 蛋白,它就会将显示这些蛋白的细胞识别为闯入者,并使用称为杀伤性 T 细胞和抗体的突击部队发起攻击。
Genetic risk factors include being a woman and having genes that encode a specific type of immune molecule called HLA-DR2 which is used to identify and bind to foreign molecules.