It was settled by the Spanish in 1510 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 1740.
It was settled by the Spanish in 50 and formed the nucleus of the viceroyalty of New Granada after 740.
Well the study, the university, I did it in Granada.
At last they came to Granada.
Granada is located over here, and the Straits of Gibraltar are here.
For several days Pepin rode steadily westward through the mountain passes toward Granada.
The priests are accused of abusing four teenage boys in Granada in southern Spain. Tom Burridge reports.
But Granada city also, they have a very nice castle name La Alhambra, is very, very beautiful.
Juan Camacho, a farmer in the southern province of Granada, said, " We are facing a drastic situation" .
南部格拉纳达省的农民胡安·说," 形势严峻。"
I spent quite a lot of time in Spain and the most interesting place I went there was Granada.
3 The Alhambra-Granada Now in the south, in Granada, there are also amazing things to see!
3 阿尔罕布拉宫-格拉纳达 现在在南部的格拉纳达,也有令人惊叹的景点!
I'm at the Granada, two blocks north on Eighth.
我在格拉纳达, 第八街以北两个街区。
The medieval complex of Granada is another favorite destination for travelers.
Jose Lorente, a professor at the University of Granada in Spain, started the organization.
西班牙格拉纳达大学教授 Jose Lorente 发起了该组织。
I was in Granada, or I, too, would have burned.
我当时在格拉纳达 不然也烧死了。
For two centuries, until 1492, Granada reigned as the capital of a dwindling Moorish empire.
两个世纪以来, 直到 1492 , 格拉纳达一直作为日益衰落的摩尔人帝国的首都统治。
Finally she saw she would have to talk a little and told me she was at the Granada.
最后她发现她必须谈一谈, 并告诉我她在格拉纳达。
Sprawling at the foot of the snow-capped Sierra Mountains, Granada is a thriving city of about
格拉纳达。 格拉纳达位于白雪皑皑的塞拉山脉脚下, 是一座繁荣的城。
" In the Granada Apartments, on Eighth Street, in Bay City. Apartment 716. Am I telling you something" ?
“在贝城第八街的格拉纳达公寓里。716 号公寓。我在告诉你什么吗” ?
From Granada, it's a two-hour drive over the mountains and down into Europe's fun-in-the-sun headquarters: the Costa del Sol.
从格拉纳达出发,驱车 2 小时翻山越岭,直达欧洲阳光明媚的总部:太阳海岸。
In the company of Pepin, the bootblack, you will travel to Seville and Granada, two of the most famous cities in the world.
To learn more, we're joined by Malik Basso, a member of Granada's Muslim community.
为了了解更多信息, 格拉纳达穆斯林社区的成员利克·巴索(Malik Basso)也加入了我们的行列。