" Just Megga and Elinor? Or Margaery too" ?
" 只有梅歌与萝?玛格丽参加了吗?"
" Nonsense, Elinor, " said the Rector, rising.
“胡八道, ,” 教区,了起来。
" Let Mrs. Casaubon choose for herself, Elinor" .
My mother is Elinor Sherman, New York socialite.
我妈妈是纽约社会名流EIinor Sherman。
Elinor emptied the contents of the envelope onto the table.
By what Miss Elinor Glyn likes to write about in her novels.
言情小作者 其书内容在当时比较惊世骇俗是因为·格林女士小里写的那种吧。
Excuse me, did you just say that your mother is Elinor Sherman?
不好意思 你刚才 你母亲是EIinor Sherman吗?
" How long has this been known to you, Elinor? has he written to you" ?
“你知道这件多久了, ?他给你写过信吗” ?
Elinor submitted to the arrangement which counteracted her wishes with less reluctance than she had expected to feel.
Elinor, with great civility, declined the proposal.
Elinor gloried in his integrity; and Marianne forgave all his offences in compassion for his punishment.
In " Unwell Women" , Elinor Cleghorn shows that Ms Williams's problem - not being listened to - is as old as medicine.
" My dear Elinor, do let the poor woman alone. Such contrivances are of no use, " said the easy Rector.
“我亲爱的, 别管那个可怜的女人了。这样的计谋是没有用的, ” 随和的校。
But unwelcome as such a task must be, it was necessary to be done, and Elinor therefore hastened to perform it.
Elinor heard all this with attention and surprise.
" I should guess so, " said Elinor, with a smile, " from what I have witnessed this morning."
Elinor's astonishment at this commission could hardly have been greater, had the Colonel been really making her an offer of his hand.
One of the most persuasive proponents of a more balanced view is Elinor Lobel's mother, Orly, a law professor at the University of San Diego.
· 洛贝尔 ( Elinor Lobel) 的母亲奥利 (Orly) 是圣地亚哥大学的法学教授, 其中最有服力的支持者之一是更平衡的观点。
At one point in Sense and Sensibility, it looks like Elinor Dashwood and Edward Ferrars - who are otherwise well suited - won't be able to get married.
在《理性与感性》中,爱莲娜? 达斯伍和爱德华·费华士 --他们颇为般配 -- 一度看起来没有办法结为夫妻。
Elinor saw that it was his hand, and she could doubt no longer.