| 划词

1.These are nonionizing EMF of much longer wavelength.




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Crash Course 综合篇

1.And when that field changes? That’s what induces an emf.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

2.So the magnetic flux through the second coil changes, which induces an emf.

因此,通过第二个线圈的磁通量会 发生变化,从而产生电动

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Supernatural S01

3.Yeah, but the EMF's no good. - Why?

没有 EMF不能用 - 怎么会?

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Supernatural S02

4.Well, no traces of EMF, that's for sure.

没有电动 点很确定。

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Supernatural S01

5.I just swept the Telesca house with the EMF. It's clean.

我用EMF把特莱斯卡的房子扫视过一 没什么发现。

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Crash Course 综合篇

6.And emf, you’ll recall, stands for electromotive force, which is what causes electrons to move and form a current.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

7.So an emf is induced in the second coil.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

8.The magnetic flux through the loop changes, which induces an emf.

通过环路的磁通量发生变化, 从而产生电动

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Crash Course 综合篇

9.In maths terms, we’d say that the emf is equal to the negative of the change in flux, over the change in time.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

10.This means that the magnetic flux through the loops in the coil changes over time, which is what induces an emf.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

11.The strength of the emf is equal to negative of the change in the magnetic flux, over the change in time.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

12.And that flux seeks to oppose the current with an electromotive force, or emf, in the opposite direction.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

13.This induction of an emf that opposes the main current is called self-inductance.

种与主电流相的电动的感 称为自感。

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

14.First, in the early 1800s, Michael Faraday showed us how a changing magnetic field induces an electromotive force, or emf, resulting in an electric current.

首先,在 19 世纪初,迈克尔·法拉第向我们展示了变化的磁场如何产生电动或电动,从而产生电流。

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Crash Course 综合篇

15.These days, we call this idea Faraday’s Law of Induction: It says that a changing magnetic field will induce an emf in a loop of wire.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

16.The AC power running through the charging pad induces an emf in your phone's coil, which can use the energy to charge its battery.


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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

17.And this relationship works the opposite way as well, with a changing magnetic flux inducing an emf that opposes the flux.


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Crash Course 综合篇

18.So, when you measure the actual voltage between the terminals of the battery, you get a value that’s less than our ideal emf potential.

因此,当您测量电池端子之间的实际电压时, 您会得到一个低于我们理想的电动的值。机翻

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

19.And it's negative, because the induced emf is in the opposite direction of the main current.

负的,因为感电动 与主电流方向相

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Crash Course Physics 速成课物理

20.And to calculate an induced emf, you just take the change in current over time and multiply it by negative L.


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