17.The book, " Burnout" by PhD and DMA, Nagoski twins describes the cycle generally as, enter the stressor like tight turnaround times then cortisol and adrenaline production are triggered from the stressor.
18.The DMA, which is on track to come into force next year, would force mobile platforms to allow third-party app stores and " sideloading" of apps directly from the web -- something Google permits but Apple does not.
19.So we now have to copy that response we want to send to the host into a DMA buffer and tell the USB spec, this DMA buffer needs to be sent out to the host now.
所以我们现在必须将要发送给主机的响应复制到 DMA 缓冲区中,并告诉 USB 规范,这个 DMA 缓冲区现在需要发送给主机。
20.But what if we copy eight kilobytes? If we set that w length to eight kilobytes, then the mem copy operation is going to copy that variable plus 8,190 bytes into that DMA buffer from the stack.