| 划词

1.Cache incoherency means that the cache is unaware that the DMA controller has placed new words in memory.




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VOA Special 2024年3月合集

1.They are part of changes required under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).


「VOA Special 2024年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
VOA Special 2024年3月合集

2.The DMA also requires messaging systems to be able to work with each other.


「VOA Special 2024年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正

3.A bigger threat comes from the EU's Digital Markets Act (DMA), approved in draft form on March 24th.


VOA Special 2024年3月合集

4.The DMA is a set of European Union laws that six large technology companies had to start following recently.


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VOA Special 2024年3月合集

5.Some Google search results will show up differently because the DMA bans companies from giving preference to their own services.


「VOA Special 2024年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
诉讼双雄 第1季

6.God, there must have been a glitch at the DMA.

天呐 二甲胺八成又出了点小问题。

「诉讼双雄 第1季」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

7.And what it does is it always does this using two DMA buffers.

它的作用是始终使用两个 DMA 缓冲区来完成此操作。

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DEFCON Collection

8.So we have these two DMA buffers.

所以我们有这两个 DMA 缓冲区。

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DEFCON Collection

9.And because that also does DMA, because it's also USB, it's going to use the other DMA buffer.

因为它也是 DMA,因为它也是 USB,所以它将使用另一个 DMA 缓冲区。

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DEFCON Collection

10.But the stack is directly behind the DMA buffer.

但是堆栈就在 DMA 缓冲区的正后方。

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DEFCON Collection

11.Then here is the first DMA buffer.

然后这里是第一个 DMA 缓冲区。

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VOA Special 2024年3月合集

12.The DMA is the latest in a series of laws that Europe has passed as a world leader in controlling large tech companies.


「VOA Special 2024年3月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
DEFCON Collection

13.It receives stuff from the DMA buffer.

它从 DMA 缓冲区接收内容。

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DEFCON Collection

14.We copy these two bytes at the beginning of that DMA buffer.

我们将这两个字节复制到该 DMA 缓冲区的开头。

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DEFCON Collection

15.We mem copy that descriptor with that length that we set to two here and this descriptor into that DMA buffer.

我们用我们在这里设置为 2 的那个长度复制那个描述符,并将这个描述符复制到那个 DMA 缓冲区中。

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DEFCON Collection

16.So what it does is it queues a read request from this endpoint with a length of 0x4000 bytes, because that's how big the DMA buffer in memory is.

所以它所做的是将来自该端点的读取请求排队,长度为 0x4000 字节,因为这是内存中 DMA 缓冲区的大小。

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17.The book, " Burnout" by PhD and DMA, Nagoski twins describes the cycle generally as, enter the stressor like tight turnaround times then cortisol and adrenaline production are triggered from the stressor.

Nagoski 孪生兄弟——一位学术型博士和音乐艺术博士——合著的《Burnout》一书中就描述了这种循环:从压力源开始,比如紧张的周转时间,然后触发皮质醇和肾上腺素的产生。


18.The DMA, which is on track to come into force next year, would force mobile platforms to allow third-party app stores and " sideloading" of apps directly from the web -- something Google permits but Apple does not.


DEFCON Collection

19.So we now have to copy that response we want to send to the host into a DMA buffer and tell the USB spec, this DMA buffer needs to be sent out to the host now.

所以我们现在必须将要发送给主机的响应复制到 DMA 缓冲区中,并告诉 USB 规范,这个 DMA 缓冲区现在需要发送给主机。

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DEFCON Collection

20.But what if we copy eight kilobytes? If we set that w length to eight kilobytes, then the mem copy operation is going to copy that variable plus 8,190 bytes into that DMA buffer from the stack.

但是如果我们复制 8 KB 呢?如果我们将 w 长度设置为 8 KB,那么内存复制操作将把该变量加上 8,190 字节从堆栈复制到 DMA 缓冲区中。

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