1.Finally, the tractate analyzes the data exchange and integration between the legacy system and CRM system.
1.And that is using a personal CRM.
2.Use CRM software to stay in touch with clients.
使用 CRM 软件与客户保持联系。
3.A personal CRM is basically like that.
个 CRM 上就像这样。
4.That's one use of a personal CRM.
这是一种个 CRM 的用途。
5.It works with your existing CRM, like Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Salesforce.
它适用于您现有的 CRM,例如 Microsoft Dynamics 365 或 Salesforce。机翻
6.A few years ago, Unicorn, a major telecoms company, installed CRM software which holds details of all its customers.
7.But the other use of a personal CRM is that you can use it to take notes on your friends.
但个 CRM 的另一个用途是你可以用它来记录朋友的笔记。
8.CRM tool Our CRM tool allows us to manage customer relationships more effectively.
我们的 CRM 工具使我们能够有地管理客户关系。
9.Yes, the introduction of a new CRM system has decreased resolution time by 30%.
是的,新 CRM 系统的引入将解决时间缩短了 30%。机翻
10.SOP is an important part of CRM. If we strictly follow SOP, CRM will be improved.
SOP 是 CRM 的重要组成部分。如果我们严格遵循 SOP,CRM 将得到改善。机翻
11." Customer retention is a primary element in our CRM strategy."
12.You know, if the tech guys would have done their job and kept the CRM stable, then I wouldn't have missed my deadline.
13.These meeting details are saved right back to your CRM.
这些会议详细信息会立即保存回您的 CRM。机翻
14.CRM stands for crew resource management.
CRM 代表船员资源管理。机翻
15.If you're unfamiliar, a CRM is usually a work related piece of software, it's a Customer Relationship Management piece of software.
如果你不熟悉,“CRM” 通常是一种用于工作的软件,全称是“客户关系管理系统”。
16.Implementing a more systematic approach and using CRM software should help us maintain better relations.
实施系统的方法并使用 CRM 软件应该有助于我们保持好的关系。机翻
17." The CRM system tracks various aspects of customer interactions, including purchases, communications, and feedback."
18.And then you update the CRM with like the details of the customer and where they work and what they want from it.
然后你会新 CRM,记录客户的详细信息、工作和需求。
19.And you'll be able to generate new business and develop relationships with your customers straight from your CRM.
您将能够直接从 CRM 中开展新业务并与客户建立关系。机翻
20.We have a dedicated Customer Relationship Management, CRM, team responsible for handling special requests and custom services.