1.Following the treatment of ionophore A23187, CG release was observed, but the location of cPKCs isoforms remained unchanged.
1.All those suits that you see them wearing, those are completely CG, and they look completely realistic.
你看到他们穿的那些衣服,都是 CG 制作的,看起来非常逼真。
2.For Wes Anderson, he believes that people are going to recognize artificiality, whether it's CG or otherwise.
于韦斯·安德森来说,他相信人们会认识到人工制品——无论是 CG 还是其他的。
3.The extra dust that clouds each footstep was added entirely with CG.
4.The section where we need to do an animated CG version of where we saw it squeeze and get distorted.
5.We didn't have CG in those days.
6.There are four bases: A, T, C, and G, and the bases pair up as AT and CG.
A、T、C 和 G,碱基配为 AT 和 CG。
7.But just remember, A, T, C, and G, and it is best to remember in this order: AT, CG.
但要记住 A、T、C 和 G,最好按这个顺序记忆:AT、CG。
8.Oh, you know what? That is for CG registration.
你知道 那只是为机聚准用的。
9.That wasn't fake, wasn't CG helicopters, it was real.
那不是假的, 不是 CG 直升机, 而是真的。机翻
10.Narrator: A similar combination of CG and practical effects was required here.
旁白:这里需要类似的 CG 和实际效果的结合。机翻
11.The mechanical rig was also placed digitally inside the Giga's CG body.
机械装置也以数字方式放置在 Giga 的 CG 体内。机翻
12.Well, the key to doing a CG character, and making them look real is everything about them, right?
- 嗯,制作 CG 角色并让他们看起来真实的关键在于他们的一切,吗?机翻
13.Why was it important for you to build physical pieces for characters that were gonna be completely CG?
为什么为完全由 CG 制作的角色制作实体作品您来说很重要?机翻
14.MRI reveals that CG has developed central pontine myelinolysis.
15.Also we must get loading sheet including data like CG, POB, dangerous cargo.
此外,我们还必须获取装载表, 包括 CG、POB、危险货物等数据。机翻
16.HFR also works in tandem with the sequel's more modern CG animation, making the Na'vi and their culture feel all the more real.
17.Earlier that day, CG was performing a soy sauce colon cleanse.
18.Stan Winston and I form a company called Digital Domain to create CG worlds, CG characters.
- Stan Winston 和我成立了一家名为 Digital Domain 的公司来创建 CG 世界和 CG 角色。机翻
19.34 can help me to send this quotation of cg glass from both bell and less35.
20.CG stops on the side of the road and begins to cry.