| 划词

1.Conclusions: The abnormal distribution of NGFR in the aganglionic choledochal suggests involvement of NGFR in the CCC.




macroion, macrokinetics, macrolabia, macrolanguage, macrolattice, Macrolepidoptera, macrolepidopteron, macrolesion, macroleukoblast, macrolevel,


3G, 401(K), a,



1.The CCC demanded that Purdue stop " promoting biased science" .

卡路里控制委要求普渡大学停止 “推销有偏见的科学”。


2.From 2010 to 2015, Coca-Cola donated more than $1.7m to the Calorie Control Council (CCC) , a trade body.

从 2010 年到 2015 年,可口可乐向卡路里控制委(Calorie Control Council, CCC)这一行业组织捐赠了超过 170 万美元。

经济学人 Finance and economics

3.At the time, the average yield on bonds with a credit rating of ccc, a speculative grade, was around 8%.

当时,信用评为 ccc(投机别)的债券的平均收益率约为 8%。机翻

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4.The CCC offered onsite work camps that provided food, shelter, and education to those employed; mostly young, single men with families in need of relief.

CCC 现场工作营地, 为就业人食物、住所和教育;大多数是年轻的单身男性, 他们的家庭需要救济。机翻

2012 English Cafe

5.My uncle was one of the young men who work with the CCC; he was given a job by the CCC. There were other famous organizations that Roosevelt started to give people jobs.

我的叔叔是在 CCC 工作的年轻人之一。CCC 给了他一份工作。 罗斯福还开始为其他著名组织工作。机翻

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2012 English Cafe

6.Many of the men in the CCC were sent to areas, especially in the Pacific Northwest, to build buildings, or what were called " lodges" (lodges), to improve the park system, and so forth.

CCC 的许多人被派往地区,尤其是太平洋西北地区, 建造建筑物, 或所谓的“旅馆” (lodges),以改善公园系统等。机翻

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2012 English Cafe

7.The New Deal also created a program called the Civilian Conservation Corps, or the CCC. This program gave jobs to more than 3 million young men, most of whom did or performed what we would call " manual labor."

新政还创建了一个名为平民保护团 (Civilian Conservation Corps) 或 CCC 的计划。该计划为超过 300 万年轻人了工作, 其中大多数从事或从事我们之为“体力劳动” 的工作。机翻

「2012 English Cafe」评价该例句:好评差评指正


macromodel, macromolecule, macromomycin, macromonocyte, macromonomer, macromorphology, macromutant, macromutation, macromycin, macromyeloblast,


3G, 401(K), a,
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