About 17 species: mainly neotropical, but with outliers in Africa, Asia, and Australasia; one species in China.
The traces are still there, with modern Europeans having 1-2% of Neanderthal DNA and some people in Asia and Australasia as much as 6% of Denisovan DNA.Dr Paabo's career is, then, a tour de force of scientific detection.
痕迹仍然存在,现代欧洲人拥有 1-2% 的尼安德特人 DNA,亚洲和澳大拉西亚的一些人拥有多达 6% 的丹尼索瓦人 DNA。因此,Paabo 博士的职业生涯堪称科学探测的杰作。
However, it is by far the largest family, accounting for the languages of almost half of the modern world's population, including those of most of Europe, North and South America, Australasia, the Iranian plateau and much of South Asia.
然而,它是迄今为止最大的语系, 占现代世界人口近一半的语言, 包括欧洲大部分地区、北美和南美、澳大拉西亚、伊朗高原和大部分地区南亚。