1.The aim of the research was to discuss the genetic relationships between Piper methysticum, Pepper and other wild apache in Pepper genus.
1.At one afternoon show, the national anthem was sung in Apache.
2.I need a dedicated Linux box running Apache with a mySQL back-end.
我需要台Linux专用的主作Apache系统 后台要MySQL的。
3.Next is Eliot. They're also open, but with no indexes in Apache.
下是伊利尔特 他们也是公开的 但在Apache上加不了目录。
4.I studied the Mexican spotted owl in south-central New Mexico with the Mescalero Apache tribe.
5.The Apache and Comanche Indians also fought against the U.S.Army and the settlers for many years.
6.Several hundred Apache Indians were in the center of the camp. I could see Powell on the ground.
7.There was a video of a U.S. Apache helicopter attack that killed at least 11 Iraqis, including two reporters.
8.These included the Navajo, Apache, and Ute Indians.
9.The Apache had some different ideas.
Apache 有些不同的想法。机翻
10.Apache persuasion hold, that's the hell.
阿帕奇的说服力, 这就是地狱。机翻
11.He has become a criminal, an apache, a tramp — a what you will.
12.Many web servers were also developed, like Apache and Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS).
还开发了许多 Web 服务器,如 Apache 和 Microsoft 的 Internet Information Services (IIS)。机翻
13.Its narrator, " the kid" , joins a gang of Apache hunters who are hired to collect scalps at $100 apiece.
14.There's also a possibility — nothing firm yet — that American Apache helicopters could be used in the assault on Ramadi.
15.Hathcock's second most famous kill would be his showdown against a Vietcong commander known as Apache.
Hathcock 的第二个最著名的杀戮是他与越共指挥官的决被称为阿帕奇。机翻
16.Hathcock swore right then and there that he would kill Apache.
海斯考克当场发誓, 他会杀了阿帕奇。机翻
17.Then he led a series of raids or attacks on other people who he felt threatened Apache land.
18.A sniper herself, Apache had earned her nickname for scalping American POWs and for her brutality as an interrogator.
19.If it hadn't been apache, he would've found some other culture to attract and manipulate his followers.
没有必要有关系 如果不是阿帕契他很可能找到其他文化 吸引和操纵信徒。
20.This year, we're working on a 1958 Chevy Apache pickup truck, and the kids have started from ground zero.
今年,我们正在研究 1958 年雪佛兰阿帕奇皮卡车,孩子们从零开始。机翻