| 划词

1.The surface morphology and mechanical properties were researched respectively by AFM and Nano-Indentor.




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CNN 10 学生英语 2018年11月合集

1.They don't know why some patients have recovered while others have lasting effects but they do know that AFM mostly effects children.

他们不知道为什么一些已经康复, 而另一些有持久性的影响, 但他们知道 AFM主要影响儿童。

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SciShow 合集

2.And unlike the microscope you probably used in school, AFMs don’t use lenses, or light.

与您可能在学校使用的显微镜​​不同, AFM 不使用透镜或光。机翻

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3.Then, in what may have been one of the first signs of an AFM outbreak, a 5-year-old boy in New Hampshire died in 2008.

随后,一名5岁的新罕布什尔男孩在2008年去世,这可能是 AFM 爆发的最初迹象之一。


4.CDC officials consider a health problem to be AFM based on exams and other evidence showing a special kind of damage to the spinal cord.

疾病预防控制中心的官员把检查结果和其他证据显示脊髓有一种特殊的损伤的为 AFM 病例。

科学60秒-科学美国人 2021年10月合集

5.This tiny arm with a shard from a smashed needle was the first version of what would become known as the atomic force microscope, or AFM.


「科学60秒-科学美国人 2021年10月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
CNN 10 学生英语 2018年11月合集

6.It's also been criticized for not spreading the word fast enough about the symptoms and dangers of AFM. The search for answers and treatments is ongoing.

还有人批评它没有足够快地传播关于 AFM 的症状和危险性。 寻找答案和治疗的工作正在进行中。

「CNN 10 学生英语 2018年11月合集」评价该例句:好评差评指正
SciShow 合集

7.It’s two thousand times faster than existing AFMs, able to take real-time scans of things on the atomic level, at a rate of about ten frames per second.

它比现有的 AFM 快 2000 倍,能够以每秒约 10 帧的速度对原子级的事物进行实时扫描。机翻

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