1.The city is full of crooked police officers taking bribes.
2.The gang had hundreds of police officers in their pockets.
3.I’m going to go to bat for more police officers.
4.She was charged with obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty.
5.One of the mugger's accomplices tried to obstruct the police officer from upholding the law.
6.What the police officer had just told me put quite a different complexion on the mystery.
7.Giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law,but it seems to be a picayune infraction.
8.If it had not been for collusion between criminals and a few corrupt police officers, the drug ring would have been exposed long ago.
9.A police officer who takes to crime is likely to be more successful at it than most. The gamekeeper turned poacher has everything going for him.
10.When police officers make an arrest, they commonly interrogate the arrestee. Usually they are trying to strengthen the prosecution's case by getting the arrestee to provide some evidence of guilt.