2.Indirect hemoagglutination (IHA) and ELISA were used in this study.
3.Indirect connecting is diseconomy for low water temperature of heating network.
4.The desistance of crime cannot exist in indirect intentional crime.
5.The indirect apodosis is often a speech act without a speech-act prefix.
6.The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralise the reduction in income tax.
7.He gave only an indirect answer.
8.The patients underwent hearing test, indirect laryngoscopy or fiberoptic pharyngorhinoscopy, CT, and neoplasm pathologic observation.
9.The study of indirect evidence focuses on morphometry analysis and snowline reconstruction based on the palaeoclimate.
间接证据的研究法很多,一般多赖地貌调查、地貌几何特性分 析和以古气候资讯为基础的雪线重建。
10.Indirect cooling circuit via heat exchanger allowing optional heat recovery for the calorifier or cabin heating.
11.An indirect atomic absorption spectroscopic method (AAS) was proposed for the determination of leucogen in pharmaceutical preparations.
12.The diphenyl-thiocarbazone extraction and spectrophotometry were developed for indirect determination of residual chlorine in water distribution system.
13.Based on indirect hemagglutination reaction,the author used globin lipoplast to establish latex agglutination test to determine occult blood.
14.Mainly closed to specific context and customny sentence style indirect speech act and ellipsis sentence discussed subaudition of ellipsis.
15.She challenges the cliche that women are more indirect than men and that tentativeness reflects a lack of confidence。
16.Moreover, employees' ingratiatory motives had indirect effect on their OCBs toward other targets by increasing exchange relationships with their supervisors.
17.Immunologic characteristics of LPP antigen in this patient were investigated by indirect immunofluorescence immunoblotting and compared with bullous pemphigoid (BP) antigen.
18.Wearable computer has its special working environments, and the special wear form will take direct and indirect effect on the ruggedization problems.
19.Testing study is made on the basic mechanical property of thenardite salt rock,which includes uniaxial compressive,indirect tensile and angle changed shear tests.
20.Aiming at the characteristics of RLG strapdown inertial navigation system,the performances of Kalman filter,analytic gyrocompassing and indirect estimation are analyzed in theory.