1.Many theories purport to explain growth in terms of a single cause.
2.Some college courses are graded in terms of either a pass or a fail.
3.The addition of the trireme definitely increases your options in terms of ancient-era naval combat.
4.The propionyl chloride was found to be the appropriate acylating agent in terms of the cost.
5.The corresponding supposal in terms of ecotourism spatial structure and resources exploration structure map are advanced.
6.The differences in the children’s achievements were not wholly explicable in terms of their social backgrounds.
7.Fabrics are produced by bonding yarns together in terms of weaving or knitting, lacemaking, braiding or felting.
8.In order to define this irrotationality condition mathematically, let us consider the equation of motion in terms of velocities.
9.In the patients with malignant neoplasms, exitsmce of chromosome aberration predicted highly malignant in terms of cither clinical metastasis or pathological grading.
10.This criterion is reasonable because it is not expressed in terms of the precessional velocity, but the angular velocity of the permanent rotation.
11.While the bargainee enjoys the rights of possession, using and proceeds of object in terms of the contract as well obtains the contingent right.
12.In terms of cross-cultural communication, the dominant White culture includes communication patterns of Standard English, direct eye contact, limited physical contact, and canalled emotions.
13.The key features of the International System are decimalization, a system of prefixes, and a standard defined in terms of an invariable physical measure.
14.In terms of ecological factors, it is summarized the development of ecological factors(biological factors and abiological factors) for the ANAMMOX system in this paper.
15.Abstract: On the basis of soya-bean and milk, producing technol og y and prescription of clabber were investigated in terms of cross-over experimen t.
摘 要: 以黄豆、牛乳为主要原料,按照正交试验方案,研究了发酵奶制作工艺和配方。
16.In the present study, by using data generated from hundreds of mtDNA sequences, we revalue the deuterostome phylogeny in terms of whole mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes).
17.I have mentioned all this in terms of its roots, to demythologise the absolute nonsensical myth of it being a 2000 year old Sufi system.
18.The paper reports a method and a spectropolarimeter for determining the polarization state of an emitted or reflected light in terms of its Stokes parameters.
19.The job was attractive financially, but when I counted the cost in terms of separation from my family and friends, I decided not to take it.
20.In terms of legal-philosophy, the IP system aberrancy of China can find a root in the dominance of nationalism, analytical-positivism law and instrumentalism in legal culture and mentality.