In case of non-delivery, return to (the) sender.
(邮件用语)无法投递, 原处。
In case of non-delivery, return to (the) sender.
(邮件用语)无法投递, 原处。
Be quiet in case you wake the baby.
轻点儿, 别吵醒婴儿。
Fire-brigades are standing by in case of an explosion.
Never walk behind a horse in case it lashes out.
绝对不要跟在马后面, 防它突然猛踢。
Take your skates in case you decide to go skating.
把溜冰鞋带去, 说不定你们要溜冰呢。
In case of fire, walk quickly to the nearest door.
如果失火, 就赶快朝最近的门跑。
In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar.
对于糖尿病患者, 医生告诫他们不要吃糖。
Keep some candles as a standby in case the power fails.
The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout.
In case of fire, leave the building by the nearest exit.
There is a supplementary water supply in case the rain supply fails.
万一主水源断了, 我们另外有供水的地方。
There are candles strategically placed—just in case we have another power cut.
I like to keep a few envelopes about in case I need them.
我喜欢手边常有几个信封, 应不之需。
The hospital has a backup generator in case there is a power failure.
Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones among them.
He sweats blood every time the telephone rings, in case it’s the police.
We’ve installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire.
Take an umbrella just in case.
It's safest to remain a good distance behind, in case the car in front suddenly stops.
最安全的方法就是和前面的车保持适当的距离, 免它突然刹车。
It's safest to keep a good distance behind in case the car in front suddenly stops.
最安全的办法是在后面保持相当一段距离, 防前面的汽车突然停车。