1.Bring forward the deterrent countermeasure that cortrol the empoison of circumstance on basal farmland dependency.
2.A plan was brought forward.
3.The general manager brought forw<>an class="key">ard a new reform plan on the personnel system for the company.
4.We bring forward three revisory lessening schemes, directional offering revisory scheme, repurchasing revisory scheme and share discounted revisory scheme.
5.After ethanol extracted hepaticglycogen, it was identified by indic colorific mensuration and quantified with anthrone mensuration.Finally, experimentative design was bringed forward.
6.It is brought forward a technique craftwork of dust remove of acetylith soot by analysis of acetylith soot . It takes a good effect .
7.With the lucubrate research of fault mechanism, according to the domino theory and ICAO, to bring forward the idea of electric power system fault chain.