The woman in charge of the floor, a large-boned, handsome woman, with rolled up shirt sleeves and a denim apron over her starched white skirt, came up to us.
I don't know what to wear! Ok, give me your opinion. Do you like the way this looks? The striped short sleeved shirt with this checkered sweater and my lucky sandals.
" Joe, " said I, taking hold of his rolled-up shirt sleeve, and twisting it between my finger and thumb, " you remember all that about Miss Havisham's" ?
A large, thick-necked Negro was leaning against the end of the bar with pink garters on his shirt sleeves and pink and white suspenders crossing his broad back. He had bouncer written all over him.
The boy sat on the edge of the table, in his shirt sleeves, and thought how lucky it was that both father and mother were going away, and the coast would be clear for a couple of hours.
It had become intolerably hot in the car, and the men were all in shirt sleeves. The sun came in through the windows, a tired and ancient sun, yellow as parchment and stretched out of shape in transit.