Single chamber high pressure gas quenching vacuum furnace,double chamber and multichamber vacuum furnaces implementing the acetylene low pressure carburizing were briefly introduced.
New-model antibiotic, medicine for healing high blood pressure and inflammation can be prepared from m-fluorotoluene, it is also an important intermediate for punchy soporific.
However, because the compressibility of DPPC monolayer is low at high surface pressure, DPPC monolayer is easy to cause film collapsing due to overcompression.
The calculations of the strength,stiffness and steamtight are very importang when high pressure and intermediate pressure casing of 300 MW steam turbine are designed.
The chief features of this kind of pump are the wider range of working pressure, the higher pumping speed at the higher pressure and the higher maximum forepressure.
The paper introduces single "U" groove welding procedure for stainless steel inner cylinder of multilayer high pressure vessel,opening up a new method for welding clading stainless steel vessel.
The too high impact direct current high pressure may reduce the resistance of trouble point too fast, even turn into a metalline earthing trouble, thus bring the trouble to appointed work.
Since cordite burns at a greater rate at a higher pressure a relief valve must be used to allow generated gas to escape to atmosphere at times when the demand is low.