Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.
Large fines act as a deterrent to motorists.
Supply is conditioned by production.
In Optimality Theory, grammar consists of a set of universal and violable constraints.
Language variation arises from different rankings of the violable constraints.
The adjustment of Medical ethics on ART are affected through ethical regulation,exampling, leading, educating etc.
Analyzing fixed channel and dynamic channel we obtained the substantive capacities and brought them into an inhibitable equation for channel allocation proportion.
Domestic sewage motorless treatment facility, for low consumption of power and simple control, finds more and more application in railway sewage disposing.
Prefessional Taedium vitae of teachers is one important psychological factor constraints the full display of professional teachers' potential and their achievement in teaching.
In the HFC network, the funnelling effect of noise is the main restrict matter of raising the rate in the up stream channel.
Therefor, it must accelerate the reform and innovative step in electric industries, dispel impeditive eleiments, and stimulate it to robustly and quickly develop.
One of the most important one is its comfortlessness brought by the large temperature range during a day and the unsymmetrical radiation temperature difference.
Under the same circumstances, the statal adjectives of the ABB pattern are different in degree and their syntactic functions are conditioned by difference in meaning.
Lactide is the midbody for the preparation of poly(lactic acid), the ratio of lactic acid to lactide is low and hamper the extensive application of PLA.
Britain has promised Rwanda $100m in aid a year over the next decade, with only “light conditionality” (in essence, an understanding Rwanda will not reinvade Congo).
It has found reasonable ways brought roadbed to resultant stabilization owning to synthesize many factors such as earthiness,hydroclimate,wheather etc to find self weight and external load of roadbed.
Based on the experiment it is validated that the system load would impact the inhibitable equation, that is, the certain load would make a corresponding proper allocation proportion.
Basing on introducing biological rhythms,especially the space biological rhythms,the paper gives an idea to develop the space chronobiology according to the needs of manned space flight in the fut.
There is yet some good in public envy, whereas in private, there is none. For public envy, is as an ostracism, that eclipseth men, when they grow too great. And therefore it is a bridle also to great ones, to keep them within bounds.